
Our Vision

To provide a diversified and sustainable portfolio of skills through enhanced education and training programmes for domestic and international learners.

Our Moto

Innovation, Creativity and Empowerment.

Our Mission

To create an avenue that enable for every learner or student to receive a customised enhanced quality of skill that will empower them to add value to their lives through sustained job creation and sustained employment.
  • 100% Timely completion
  • 75% first time pass rate for Functional skills
  • 80+% EPA achievement rate with at least 35% at Merit or distinction
  • 100% of apprentices at worst 10% variance from their progress target and Off-the-Job rates at any given time
  • 50% progression rate where possible

To provide innovative training and development solutions that will enable our clients to maximize the growth of human capital in their organisations and to uphold a commitment to quality and ethical standards in education, training & development.
  • Apprentices’ and employers’ satisfaction of 90+%
  • Extensive employer involvement in the entire EPA process
  • Working in conjunction with EPAOs from the start of every standard
  • Ensuring apprenticeships is the most appropriate staff development tool
  • Providing employers with other staff development options
  • Work with employers in manpower planning to allow for promotions and salary increases

To ensure all learners have sufficient information, advice and guidance to make informed decisions about their programmes, progressions routes and receive teaching, learning and assessments that are flexible, responsive to their individual needs and inspire them to excel.
  • Right learner – right standard – right level
  • Provide internal and facilitating external pathways
  • Effective entry and exist IAGs to establish next steps
  • Ensuring apprenticeship is the most appropriate staff
  • 100% of all trainers/assessors are observed with 75% gaining a grade of Good or Outstanding in teaching and learning activities
  • 100% of all trainers/assessor competent in their vocational assessment observation
  • Maintaining DCS in all qualifications offered

To continuously find innovative ways to use technology to enhance the quality of delivery both local and international in line with the changing world skills demand. Virtual Learning environment being key to our growth.
  • Effective and secure online platforms
  • Safe and appropriate workplace teaching and learning environment
  • Physical college space which meets the learners needs whenever necessary
  • All apprenticeship feels safe

Our Partners

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